Have you heard of THE VAULT?

I want you to imagine for a second that you can tap into a VAULT. Inside the vault is a bunch of templates, all neatly filed and labeled. Templates for happinesss, vitality, prosperity and abundance. Everywhere you turn, more templates for creativity, joy, peace and all the other things us humans need and want in order to live a fulfilled life. What if I told … Continue reading Have you heard of THE VAULT?

Dear Kids (A reflection from a greying Mama’s Heart)

Dear Kids Whilst no parent has all the answers and whilst this mama is constantly, still learning, know this for sure: You are never alone Travel is the best teacher “No” is a good word. Use it often. It’s particularly lovely when there’s a dead silence and you offer no explanations “Please” and “thank you” never goes out of fashion Water heals. Oceans. Tears. 2 … Continue reading Dear Kids (A reflection from a greying Mama’s Heart)